Here’s our list of all the special, short term usenet discounts or coupons that the major Usenet Newsgroup Providers are running right now.
This page isn’t fancy, it’s just a running list of the best prices and short term specials that everyone is offering. Some newsgroup providers offer special discounts if you follow a link from the Anchordudes site (not available if you just type in their website address directly.) Other usenet companies have standing offers of XX% off the first month or two. A few providers offer coupon codes, which we publish here if they don’t have rules against doing so.
- Standing offer – 50% off first 3 months of Diamond service level Usenet
- Standing offer: One year unlimited Usenet with VPN for $99 (Special Anchordudes discount link)
- Standing offer: $2 off monthly unlimited Usenet
(Special Anchordudes discount link)
- Standing offer: One year unlimited Usenet with VPN for $95 (Special Anchordudes discount link)
- No specials at this time
- No specials at this time
- No specials at this time
- No specials at this time